
Text is the used to render text and paragraphs within an interface.



import { Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'

Changing the font size#

To increase the font size of the text, you can pass the fontSize prop.

<Stack spacing={3}>
<Text fontSize='6xl'>(6xl) In love with React & Next</Text>
<Text fontSize='5xl'>(5xl) In love with React & Next</Text>
<Text fontSize='4xl'>(4xl) In love with React & Next</Text>
<Text fontSize='3xl'>(3xl) In love with React & Next</Text>
<Text fontSize='2xl'>(2xl) In love with React & Next</Text>
<Text fontSize='xl'>(xl) In love with React & Next</Text>
<Text fontSize='lg'>(lg) In love with React & Next</Text>
<Text fontSize='md'>(md) In love with React & Next</Text>
<Text fontSize='sm'>(sm) In love with React & Next</Text>
<Text fontSize='xs'>(xs) In love with React & Next</Text>

Truncate text#

If you'd like to truncate the text after a specific number of lines, pass the noOfLines prop. This will render an ellipsis when the text exceeds the width of the viewport or maxWidth prop.

// Basic version
<Text noOfLines={1}>
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is an English-language pangram—a
sentence that contains all of the letters of the English alphabet. Owing to
its existence, Chakra was created.
// Responsive version
<Text noOfLines={[1, 2, 3]}>
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is an English-language pangram—a
sentence that contains all of the letters of the English alphabet. Owing to
its existence, Chakra was created.

Override style#

You can change the entire style of the text via props. For example, to change the font size, pass the fontSize prop. No need to write css or styled().

<Text fontSize='50px' color='tomato'>
I'm using a custom font-size value for this text

Override the element#

To override the element that gets rendered, pass the as prop. Use Inspect Element to see the element that gets rendered in html.

<Text as='b'>Bold</Text>
<br />
<Text as='i'>Italic</Text>
<br />
<Text as='u'>Underline</Text>
<br />
<Text as='abbr'>I18N</Text>
<br />
<Text as='cite'>Citation</Text>
<br />
<Text as='del'>Deleted</Text>
<br />
<Text as='em'>Emphasis</Text>
<br />
<Text as='ins'>Inserted</Text>
<br />
<Text as='kbd'>Ctrl + C</Text>
<br />
<Text as='mark'>Highlighted</Text>
<br />
<Text as='s'>Strikethrough</Text>
<br />
<Text as='samp'>Sample</Text>
<br />
<Text as='sub'>sub</Text>
<br />
<Text as='sup'>sup</Text>
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Proudly made inNigeria by Segun Adebayo

Deployed by Vercel